Water access is most scarce in rural, small elementary schools consisting of indigenous children. Lack of access to water affects children’s’ performance in school. Water borne illnesses lower attendance rates of students.
Listos is a textile based interactive wearable water filtration system for elementary school children in rural southern Mexico.



Listos takes physical cues from traditional Mexican clothing. The red bandana is seen on the jimadores, hat dance dancer, and jarochos. It can also be worn around the waist or as a bag.

Listos collects water through scooping water from a vat, pouring it in, or by tying it around a faucet head.

Open Flap

Flap tucked in

Outside filter section

Inside filter section
The middle joint has a wire lining to add structure and facilitate the transfer of water into another container. Paneling and a double top stitched seam was used to strengthen and add structure to the waterproof canvas.
The flap cover the filter when Listos is compact. When opened the flap covers the opening, protecting and contains the water. The antimicrobial canvas helps prevent mold growth and easy cleaning with an SPF of 15. A hook and loop system secures the filter to both sides of body. Coconut carbon filter panels line the inside. To filter, push water through lining by closing it.